Note New articles are on the way for the topics listed to the right. Check back soon for more content. Last update: 25-oct-04 |
Web Tools: IntroductionFrom its relatively humble beginnings displaying academic papers and images, the Web has grown into a powerhouse of information and commerce. At the heart of all of this are some fairly easy-to-understand languages, and a number of common programs. The trick, of course, is to understand which ones to use when, and that's where we come in. All web pages are built using HTML, which can be written using any text editor, but most of the web pages we rely on to do business are written by computers themselves. We'll talk about the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript, the technologies which make it to the documents loaded in your browser. We'll also talk about the other side, the languages and tools which do their work on the web server.
Topics in this section: Keep checking this section for topic centers featuring the following topics: Web Languages:CSS, HTML, Javascript Server Technologies:ASP, JSP, PHP, CGI Web Authoring Programs:Dreamweaver, Photoshop |
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